Review article:The Story of Disease: An Altered History
Reena Kulshrestha, Jayant Biswas, Soudeep Sau, Surendra Singh. The Story of Disease: An Altered History. National Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 2013 ; 2 (1):49-54
Reena Kulshrestha, Jayant Biswas, Soudeep Sau, Surendra Singh. The Story of Disease: An Altered History. National Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 2013 ; 2 (1):49-54
Berendra Yadav, Sangeeta Singhal, SF Hashmi, Mohammad Muzammil, Ajay K Singh. Effects of Workplace Noise on Hearing and Cardiovascular System. National Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 2013 ; 2 (1): 41-48.
Shadma Yaqoob, Priyanka Shukla, Fareya Haider, Zahida Parveen Dar, Vaibhav Shukla. Prevalence of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus and Its Anttibiotic Resistance Pattern in Patients Admitted in Tertiary Care Hospital. National Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 2013 ; 2 (1): 33-40
Praveen Bhardwaj, Jayanti Pant, Reena Bhardwaj. Effect of One Month Diaphragmatic Breathing on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate and Breath Holding Time. National Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 2013 ; 2 (1): 25-32
Reema Kumari, JV Singh. Environmental and Sanitation Practices Among Diarrhoeal Patients admitted at Infectious Disease Hospital, Lucknow. National Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 2013 ; 2 (1):15-24